Hello Facility Managers! A lot can happen over Structured Cabling!

Just like the famous tagline that goes ‘A lot can happen over coffee‘ put forward by one of India’s largest coffee café chain - Café Coffee Day, Cablesmith is opening new doors in the network connectivity infrastructure of a building that facilitates huge possibilities for the builders, operators and tenants making their space a smart space. Be it cellular coverage, FTTH Connection, voice, data, video security or building management system, information is increasingly critical to the productivity of the building occupants and the overall network performance of the building. But the quality of the information flow is solely determined by the type of cabling system the building holds. A conventional unstructured cabling system that carries multiple cables from multiple network vendors all lands at the telecom room gradually making it an ever-messy cabling system that slow down the network performance and making it a constantly interrupted connectivity system inside a building . C...