Significance Of High-speed Home Internet During The Time Of Social Distancing

Yet again, it has been proven that broadband connectivity is a utility and this time it is COVID-19 that has shown us it’s necessity. When the situation of a pandemic forced us to be socially distanced, ensuring the closure of schools, offices and so on, a majority of people are managing their work from home and even practicing a comparatively new concept of taking remote medical diagnosis on a basic level from doctors. Now, the same old question comes into picture that if the existing broadband infrastructure is enough or not to handle all these necessities of the hour? Yes, the reliable high-speed broadband at every home is an absolute necessity especially in a situation like this. While some of the developed countries recognized internet access as a basic right, Finland (Ranked 1 st in UN’s happiness index) went ahead further and passed an order a decade ago that every internet connection should have a broadband level speed. A couple of years back India de...